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SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis

Table of Contents
Volume 36, Issue 4, pp. 1031-1369

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Linearized Stability Analysis of Stationary Solutions for Surface Diffusion with Boundary Conditions

Harald Garcke, Kazuo Ito, and Yoshihito Kohsaka

pp. 1031-1056

Density Estimates for a Degenerate/Singular Phase-Transition Model

Arshak Petrosyan and Enrico Valdinoci

pp. 1057-1079

Minimization Methods for Quasi-Linear Problems with an Application to Periodic Water Waves

B. Buffoni, É. Séré, and J. F. Toland

pp. 1080-1094

Explicit Solutions of the Eigenvalue Problem $div \left(\frac Du\vert Du \vert \right)=u$ in $R^2$

Giovanni Bellettini, Vicent Caselles, and Matteo Novaga

pp. 1095-1129

On the Inviscid Limit for Two-Dimensional Incompressible Flow with Navier Friction Condition

M. C. Lopes Filho, H. J. Nussenzveig Lopes, and G. Planas

pp. 1130-1141

The Convex Scattering Support in a Background Medium

Steven Kusiak and John Sylvester

pp. 1142-1158

On Pressureless Gases Driven by a Strong Inhomogeneous Magnetic Field

Isabelle Gallagher and Laure Saint-Raymond

pp. 1159-1176

Global Solutions of Nonlinear Transport Equations for Chemosensitive Movement

Hyung Ju Hwang, Kyungkeun Kang, and Angela Stevens

pp. 1177-1199

Global Existence Result for Pair Diffusion Models

A. Glitzky and R. Hünlich

pp. 1200-1225

A Semilinear Fourth Order Elliptic Problem with Exponential Nonlinearity

Gianni Arioli, Filippo Gazzola, Hans-Christoph Grunau, and Enzo Mitidieri

pp. 1226-1258

On a Stokes-Like System for Mixtures of Fluids

Jens Frehse, Sonja Goj, and Josef Málek

pp. 1259-1281

Optimal Stability of Reconstruction of Plane Lipschitz Cracks

Luca Rondi

pp. 1282-1292

Conservation Laws with Time Dependent Discontinuous Coefficients

Giuseppe Maria Coclite and Nils Henrik Risebro

pp. 1293-1309

Blowup Solutions for a Liouville Equation with Singular Data

Pierpaolo Esposito

pp. 1310-1345

Stability Conditions for Strong Rarefaction Waves

Marta Lewicka

pp. 1346-1369